Ryan Galbraith and Haley Diehl became husband and wife on June 2, 2013 at a wonderful wedding venue called CreedsTown Weddings and More. It was the perfect place for this country girl to get married. Haley is one of four kids in her family. Born to two hard working parents, she was raised on the family farm. Specifically, her family works a dairy farm. An article from Ozarks Farm & Neighbor states that the Diehl family was selected Webster county Missouri State Farm Family by the Webster County Extension Counsel and local Farm Bureau in 2012. The family was selected for this because they were active in community, agriculture activities, participation in local extension educational programs by the Webster County Extension Counsel and local Farm Bureau. Ozarks Farm & Neighbor also mentions their years of being exhibitors in livestock shows which brings us back to our bride.

Haley has shown cows in Marshfield, Springfield, Sedalia State Fair, and Stillwater Oklahoma. Haley's heart has been won over by her new husband Ryan but Lucky the big beautiful Brown Swiss cow is a close second! Haley has won Jr. Champion, Intermediate Champion, Grand Champion, Supreme Champion and Best Bred, and Owned showing her cows.
Imagine Haley's surprise when Lucky the cow showed up as a special guest at her wedding! It meant the world to Haley that her family went to such an effort to bring her special cow to her wedding. We have to admit, we've never seen a cow at one of our weddings and it was so much fun getting these pictures!
Ryan's family are beef farmers and have been involved in the FFA. Both families are wonderful, loving people and they set a fine example in their love for the Lord, family, friends and community. These are values that In My Heart Photography holds and we are thrilled to work with family's like these! A special thank you the Diehl/Galbraith families for the warm welcome.
One last thought, we pray for a lifetime full of blessings for Ryan and Haley and that they will pay it forward blessing many people in their future together!
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