"It's a God thing"
Choices Pregnancy Center
Marshfield, Mo.

We are excited to announce that God is leading us in new directions with our photography! We trust Him in every aspect of our business and our personal lives. So when He hooked us up one year ago with Choices Pregnancy Center we knew that this wonderful organization was a place that we wanted to become more involved with.

Choices Pregnancy Center is a safe, non-judgement place for pregnant women to get education and support for things like pregnancy and infant care. Clients will learn about nutrition, relationship building and Godly life choices. The love of Jesus Christ is shared with each client.
Because Choices Pregnancy Center is a non-profit organization, they rely on community support not only for monetary help but also for donated items such as diapers, newborn clothes, maternity items, blankets and other various items. They are there to help their clients in many ways.

All services including pregnancy tests and ultra sounds (limited screening) are free and confidential. Ultrasounds and life sized models of a fetus at various gestational ages help to educate new moms and dads.

This picture shows the actual sized of a 16 week gestation. This baby is just a handful at this point!
In My Heart Photography is very happy to support Choices Pregnancy Center. On September 16, 2014 we will be honored to be at the annual fund raising dinner for our second time. We look forward to seeing so many wonderful, caring people there to support our community. We believe in the Choices Pregnancy Center mission, to be there for our community and we look forward to serving with them and for our God with something we love with a passion... our photography!
If you would like to show your support to Choices Pregnancy Center, would like to become a volunteer, or would like to become involved in one of their fund raisers, you can reach them at 417-468-5555 or text 417-531-2685. Check out their website www.choicespc.org and don't forget to "Like" them on facebook!
Brenda Cook
In My Heart Photography
Written by
Amy Ward
Back up Photographer
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