We met 28 years ago in 1987 through a mutual friend. I was 16 and he had just turned 20. Our first date didn't go too well because we had friends that didn't think we should date. He asked me out again and by the end of our second date we were inseparable. Obviously we had both seen other people before but this was different. When I would tell people that I loved him they'd say "you're only 16!! You don't know what love is!" But I knew and so did he. After dating for 6 months or so we found out we were going to have a baby. We were both excited but were very scared too. We thought about getting married then but all those people who doubted us before were really doubting us then. My own dad even said please don't get married. So we didn't. His mom and dad helped us get a little trailer and set it up and we moved in it. I won't lie, after Bryan was born in 1989 it was really hard for both of us. We were just kids our selves with a new baby! But we were bound and determined to be good parents and to prove everybody wrong. And we were still madly in love with one another. We didn't have a whole lot of money but we made do with what we had. We spent a lot of time at the river with our little boy and doing things that didn't cost anything but we were spending time with him and each other. When Bryan was 2 we decided to move to Springfield. The jobs were very scarce where we lived at that time. About a month after we moved, we found out we were pregnant again. As soon as we found out Eddie asked me to marry him. We didn't have the money for a wedding so we made arrangements to get married in his parents living room by his moms cousin who is a judge. Don't get me wrong, that day is very special to me. No we weren't having a big elaborate wedding and I was 5 months pregnant. But none of that mattered to me because I was marrying my best friend!! We had some family there and a few friends and it just happened to be the best day of my life!! We went to the lake of the Ozarks that night and played ski ball on the strip and ate dinner at Wendy's. It was OUR special day. We never thought things could get any better or change, but the day I became Mrs. Eddie Miller our lives were forever changed for the better! Everything was different but in a good way! So we started a new chapter in our lives as husband and wife, as best friends, and as parents to two little boys. In 1993 we found a little house to buy and raise our family in. It wasn't a big fancy house but it was ours. We immediately started the remodel process to make it how we wanted it. Then in 2004 when Bryan was 15 and Justin was 12 we found out we were going to have another baby. We were all excited beyond belief!! In January of 2005 our little princess Kylah was born. This year marks our 25th wedding anniversary and Eddie asked me to marry him again. He feels like I need to have the wedding that I deserved but never got. But what he doesn't realize is that September 14, 1991 was the best day of my life and nothing will ever take its place. But I am honored to be able to say "I do" to him again and would do it a million more times to make him happy. Bryan is 27 years old now and lives in Springfield with his girlfriend Bri who is a school teacher. He works at Murney and Assoc. selling real estate. Jay is 24 years old and lives in Niangua. In 2012 he blessed us with our first grandchild, Malakai. That little guy is the best thing that has happened to us since our own kids were born! Jay is the at risk teacher and he coaches basketball. Kylah is a typical 11 year old girl and still everyone's princess.

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